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Date: December 16, 2010 Issue Number: 2.8

 Stein Prayer Letter



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God's Goodness


We praise God for His goodness in our lives. He keeps us safe and healthy and enables us to tell others about His love and the needs of Peru. What a marvelous privilege we have to serve God in this way. It is amazing to think that God would choose to use us this way, and we are excited about what the new year will hold.



God's Christmas Gift


God’s Christmas gift to us came long, long ago in the shape of a baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes, born in a manger. God’s Christmas gift means that I have peace with Him—peace that transcends all the difficulties of life and peace I am secure in my relationship with Him, no matter what. That is the meaning of Christmas. And this is the message we are called to relay to the world around us. Peace is available to all those who call upon the name of the Lord. To whom will you take the message of peace this Christmas season?


Our Christmas Wish


We pray God will give you a wonderful and peaceful Christmas season filled with many reminders of His great love for you and opportunities to share that love with others. Thank you for your faithful partnership with us through giving and prayer. We are incapable of accomplishing this work apart from God's daily provision and strength. We truly appreciate your help.


Until all have heard,

Caleb, Ecko, Joe, Jack, and Isabel Stein




Deputation Fact


We have now visited 62 churches. If each of these churches takes us on for 1%—roughly $45 per month (and some have done more than that), we would be have nearly 75% of our support. If the average church has 7 family units, then each family would need to commit $7 monthly (about 23 cents a day) to accomplish this goal. Will you consider partnering with us in 2011?




We cannot possibly reflect upon the manger without seeing the cross in the distance.  Truly, Jesus was born to die. His death secures my relationship with God.





We look forward to the new support that God will bring in the next few weeks. Pray for our new supporters: that God will give them the funds they need to take us on and that He will continue to grow their burden for missions, especially in Peru.