Steins to Peru

following God's path to Peru

Volume 3.2



He is not here: for He is risen. Matthew 28:6


Confidence in God

  I recently read an article about having confidence in God, even in the midst of crisis, change, and uncertainty. The author wrote of the fear the disciples experienced during Christ's trial and crucifixion. Jesus promised them peace, but they experienced something vastly different. Yet, when they encountered the risen Savior, He again promised them peace. Though He would not be with them bodily, He would never abandon them. What a great promise!

  We are in the midst of Springtime and have just celebrated Easter. Spring reminds us that there are better days ahead (at least for those of us who enjoy warm weather). Easter reminds us that Jesus has conquered sin and death through His resurrection.

We have hope because of Him. We have confidence that, no matter what today may bring, He is in control and He is at work.

  When we go forth to share the gospel, we know that He has promised to be with us and to bring forth fruit. We have confidence because of Who He is. His promises are always sure.

Pray for Peru's Presidential Election

  Peru just had their presidential elections in early April. Every Peruvian citizen is required by law to vote (even those who live overseas), so voter turnout is usually high. This time there were 5 major and 5 minor candidates.

  Since none of them received a majority vote, there will be a runoff June 5. The two candidates who are left are Ollanta Humala and Keiko Fujimori.

  Pray that God will bring the right candidate into office. One of the candidates has close ties to Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez, so the results of the election could have serious implications on the future of American missionaries in Peru. We are confident that God is in control and will do what is best.

Deputation News

  Caleb has spent a significant part of this year on the road at missions conferences and pastor's meetings. We have been able to get lots of new contacts for meetings this year and next. We are thankful that he has had safety travelling and that we are seeing our calendar fill up.

  We are at 26.5% currently. We received word of a new supporting church the same night we sent our last prayer letter to press. We praise God for His continued provision.

  We have 6-10 churches that are interested in supporting us when finances are available. Two of them have meetings in the coming months. Pray that God will provide for their needs so that they can join our team.


Summer Travels

  We look forward to the school year being done soon. Isabel desperately needs her brothers at home to play with her.

  We are making several trips this summer around the country. We are excited about our upcoming meetings around the Upper Midwest and pray that God will continue to provide us with good church contacts and increase our support. Pray with us that God will answer those prayers.


Prayer Requests

· Continued scheduling for 2011

· Safety in travelling this summer

· Potential supporters voting soon

· Peru's election runoff–-June 5

· Spiritual health of Peruvian

    believers and churches

· Peru missionaries on deputation: 

    Bob and Becky Bass

    Aaron and Stephenie Cochrell

    Will and Erika Gibson

    Scott and Amanda Miller

    Caleb and Ecko Stein

Caleb and Ecko Stein                                                                                                     

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Watertown, WI  53094